Work Place Theft

Work place theft is often perceived as a victimless crime where no one is out of pocket, “that’s what insurance is for isn’t it?” Well those involved know that this is not the case, here are just some of the hidden costs involved: Replacement costs of the item. Time spent resourcing and ordering a replacement. […]

SIA Security Training in the South West

PROSEC Consultancy have added more SIA Security training courses to its current listings after numerous requests from candidates on our courses. We have combined some of our most popular courses in order that candidates can now attend 1 full course but gain 2 or 3 combined qualifications, these include: 1. Level 2 Award in SIA […]

Surveillance Training in the South West

PROSEC Consultancy Ltd have now added the following to our list of courses; Level 3 in Foot and Mobile Surveillance Course. Level 3 Award for Private Investigations (QCF). Surveillance Photography Course. As an operational surveillance and Private investigations service provider, these courses will be added soon in order to recruit new operatives to assist with our […]

SIA Door Supervision Courses in the South West

Due to the fire in our neighbouring offices in December 2013 which destroyed PROSEC’s offices and training room, PROSEC have been completing our SIA Security Courses in the South West using The Old Bell in Warminster. We have now managed to acquire  training room within Westbury to continue teaching our Level 2 Award in Door […]

Refer a friend to one of our training coursesand earn £10.00

If you like making money, and who doesn’t tell your friends about PROSEC and earn some extra cash.   Make as much money as you like, just by telling your friends about our Security or First Aid at Work Courses.   The more customers you recommend, the more money you’ll receive:   See here for full […]

Westbury business will be ‘better than ever’ after fire

SECURITY, surveillance and training specialists Prosec Consultancy Ltd are back in business and looking to expand after a fire in Oakfield Business Centre, Westbury, destroyed their premises in December.  Business development manager, Brian Bennett, explains, “It’s been a struggle but we are back to where we were before the fire and want to use this […]

Spring / Summer Training dates

    NEW Training dates are now available for all our courses, view the individual courses or download our PDF training matrix with all courses and dates listed here; Training in the South West    

**Paediatric First Aid UPDATE**

Treating a choking infant Paediatric First Aid current accepted best practices with regard to administering back blows to a choking infant: It is now accepted as best practice that the first aider should be in a seated or kneeling position and the infant placed face down along the thigh. New text (Page 25) in the […]

* Coming Soon* HABC Level 2 Award in Front of Stage Pit Barrier Operations

PROSEC have been delivering the Front of stage pit course for a few years now as a bespoke course where we have been delivering a the course to our own staff who will be working within the “Pit” area. After speaking to one of our awarding bodies (Highfield) for some time regarding the accreditation of […]

Exeter stalker guilty of scissors attempted murder

15/04/14 BBC News reports ……..Exeter stalker guilty of scissors attempted murder. During the trial the prosecution said the assault on Helen Pearson followed a five-year stalking campaign. Graffiti was daubed around the streets near her flat and Ms Pearson received threatening letters. The jury was told she had reported 125 separate incidents to Devon and […]