Feedback to NFPS on the Use of ERC (Soft Cuffs) and ERB (Emergency Response Belt) in a NHS Trust

“A while ago Mark Dawes (Director of NFPS, one of our Physical Intervention and Restraint awarding bodies) spoke about how the use of this type of equipment can reduce risk exponentially – and, he admits, that was a bold statement to make.

Therefore, a document that will give you some recent feedback on the use of the ERC (Soft-Cuff) and the ERB (Emergency Response Belt) in a NHS trust setting is available for download here; Emergency Response Devices final (1)

The attached document is evidential feedback from the monitored use of the equipment from January to August of this year (2014).

Obviously for data protection reasons we can’t name the trust nor the patient or people involved in an open blog like this, but if you are considering using this equipment we would be happy to pass on the details of the person involved in this document who would be happy to discuss these findings with you in more depth.

In conclusion, the use of this equipment not only reduces the risk of harm, it reduces the risk of liability and provides a holistic workable soft restraint solution.

This is why it should be considered as part of every ‘Restraint Minimisation / Restraint Reduction Strategy’ which every organisation involved in the occupational use of restraint must be working towards – and that is a Government directive!

Enjoy the attached document! ”

Mark Dawes (NPFS)BTEC Level 2 in Handcuff and Restraint training