PROSEC offices were heavily damaged during the early hours of Monday 9th December when a fire completely destroyed a neigbouring unit causing serious smoke and water damage to PROSEC.
The PROSEC complex has been evacuated and is currently uninhabitable with temporary offices now set up in order to continue with business until the complex has been repaired. We were ‘Off line’ for a number of days until telephone lines etc were set up in the new temporary offices, but we are now fully operational again and currently awaiting a move date to be back into our complex.
Neither our Security, Surveillance or Security Training courses have been affected, and we are fully operational again, although a number of courses in the early part of 2014 may have to be moved to other local conference facilities. All candidates who may be affected will be contacted well in advance of any potential move of location. Thank you to all those who have offered your support over the last few weeks.
More details and the Wiltshire times report can be found here: